Tartu Noorsootöö Keskusel on alates eelmisest nädalast kolm uut Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse vabatahtlikku!
Saage tuttavaks Beáta, Violeta ja Klaudijusega! Beáta on pärit Ungarist, Violeta Hispaaniast ja Klaudijus Leedust.
Kui küsisime vabatahtlikelt, et miks Te just Eestisse tulite? Siis vastused olid järgmised:
Beáta:”Because of the adventures. When I started to looking for volunteer programs all I knew was that I want to go to northern Europe. Unfortunately I know nothing about the history and the culture of Estonia so I hope I will have a chance to expierence it’s diversity during these twelve months.”
Violeta:”I decided to turn my life upside down and to start from scratch. I thought I had to get myself into the unknown to get a really new beginning, even if I had to change my 40° degrees for Estonia and its minus too much degrees. ”
Klaudijus: ” In the middle of the summer, I decided to look for a country where I could volunteer. Until then, I had not volunteered outside my country. So I wanted to give it a try, especially since I’m still trying to discover myself, like most peoples do. I was mostly interested in activities with youth, children, and culture. But perhaps because of the current world situation, it was difficult to find an organization that would accept me. I had interviews with a few organizations, but for some time I didn’t get an answer from them. Before giving up I decided for the last time to see if there were any new published projects, and this is how I discovered this one (although it was rather strange that this project was published so late, even someone from the staff later told me that she was surprised by that too, so guess it was also a good thing for me”.
Vabatahtlikega on võimalus lähemalt tutvuda meie noortetubades.