Kas sa soovid enda mõtteid ja arvamust avaldada?
Nüüd on sul selleks võimalus. Ja sa saad seda teha koos teiste Euroopa ja Kanada noortega. Kõikide noorte arvamus on tähtis! Seega pane kokku oma tiim ja registreeri kindlasti, et osaleda veebipõhisel aruelul.
Registreerimine on avatud 1. oktoobrist kuni 1.detsembrini. Ole osa muutustest! #thinkdigitalfuture
👉 https://bit.ly/3cEbggF
In english:
Feel excluded or want to raise your voice for inclusion in the digital era?
Connect with driven young people from Europe and Canada and develop ideas for our future on a topic of your choice.
Your opinion matters! All outcomes will be shared with European and Canadian policymakers to make sure your voice is heard.
Registrations open from October 1st to December 1st.
Be a change-maker, #thinkdigitalfuture
👉 https://bit.ly/3cEbggF