Tartu Youth Brigade

The aim of the Tartu youth brigade is to offer youngsters aged 13-19 the opportunity to spend their summer vacation acquiring valuable experience.

The youth brigade is an opportunity for the youngsters to acquire their first work experience in a supportive and safe environment. The working takes place in groups and youngsters thereby also gain experience in working as a team. Additionally, they have the chance to develop their social skills, as after work, there are communal activities organised by the team leader.

The main tasks of the youngsters in the brigade are maintenance work, helping out in customer service, farms and organising events and collecting horticultural and agricultural products. Places of work include state museums, local municipalities, non-profit associations, companies, self-employed entrepreneurs and business organisations.

The work days last four to eight hours a day, depending on the youngster’s age and the possibilities provided by the employer. The brigade groups last for seven to 21 days, depending on the group.

In addition to participating in the brigade group, the youth brigade summer also includes participating in the opening of the youth brigade summer that happens in June and the regional assembly of Tartu county that happens in August.

Important dates in 2023:

The groups are made public – May

Groups are open for registration – May

Opening the youth brigade summer – June

The Tartu county assembly – August 

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